Mitu Pro Carbon 2022

971 € 1.619 €
inkl. MwSt.

(Nicht-EU Länder exkl. MwSt.)

zzgl. Versandkosten: 30€



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F-one MITU PRO Carbon

Modell 2022/2023

Ride with a legend.

Light and renowned for its reactive and agile outline, the MITU PRO CARBON is a must-have for any rider who wants to combine high-performance wave riding with some serious strapless freestyle and air game. 

  • 100% dedicated to strapless
  • Agile and reactive outline
  • Light and predictable ride
  • Excellent for strapless airs and rotations

Wave onshore: 90%  /  Wave reefe: 90%  /  Freestyle & Big Air: 90%  /  Freeride: 80% 


Das Board wird mit Finnen geliefert. Straps bitte bei Bedarf zusätzlich bestellen.

mehr Infos: F-one Webseite